Dr Helen Ford - Workshops
All my workshops are directed towards the same aims - to help people access their own inner truth, to help them free that truth into its natural flow and also to support the free flow of truth in others. I have left information about previous workshops on this website so you can get a general idea. However if you want to know what workshops are currently available the best thing is to phone me and ask to be on my phone mailing list. I do workshops in my North Wales farmhouse, in London and in Stourbridge so let me know where you live. I will also do a workshop anywhere in the UK if someone else will arrange it! Please do not e mail me as I have an aversion to computers and very rarely look at my e mails phone either 07954412973 or 07305984437 Saturday October 26th 2019 at 9:00am – 5:30pm
“It is better to conquer yourself than win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or demons, heaven or hell” Attributed to Buddha Speakers: Nilla Kumar Dip.Hyp., N.G.H.: Hypnotherapist, Psychic and intuitive healer. Dr Helen Ford B.A., M.B., B.Chir., M.R.C.P.: Holistic physician and healer. Carol Cumber: Intuitive healer and delighter in life. www.carolcumber.com Annie Redfearn B.A., Lic.Ac., M.B.B.A.C.: Five element acupuncturist and healer. Eurythmy: A taster session of Rudolph Steiner's movement therapy. Cost: £35 (concessionary tickets £20) Or to book online please go to: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/4354228
Saturday 30th March Healing, Self Healing & Spirit Release Conference A gathering to share information about spirit attachment and release. At Elmfield Steiner school 14 Love Lane, Stourbridge, DY82DZ Saturday 30th March 2019 Time: 9.0am - 5.30pm Cost: £35 ( £25 concessions ) Speakers Dr Helen Ford - Holistic Physician- www.drhelenford.co.uk Helen specialises in using aura diagnosis to access the underlying causes that lead to negative spirit attachment. Dr David Furlong - Healer- Therapist - Writer - www.davidfurlonger.co.uk David is also the Director of the Spirit Release Forum. Lee Haggarty, Shamanic practicioner discussing the use of peruvian plant medicines. Dr Terry Palmer - Practioner and Trainer - www.terancepalmer.co.uk Terry teaches the remote removal of negative attachment using a medium and facilitator. He is the author of “ The Science of Spirit Possession” Sayen Scantlebury - Spiritual and Natural Energy Worker Sayen practices the effectiveness of pure love in the access to and healing of our own and visiting spirits. Leia Williams - Dancer, Artist and Healer Leia demonstrates how to open the chakras through movement, breathwork and dance. Lee Haggerty - Technology Consultant and Shamanic Practitioner Lee shares his personal experiences of Shamanic training and Peruvian Plant medicine in clearing negative patterns and supporting life’s spiritual journey. Paula Fenn - Psychotherapist and Regression Therapist - www.assmpi.org/users/paula-fenn Paula presents the value of the psychotherapeutic process within Spirit Release therapy. There will be opportunities to share experiences and techniques, please speak to Helen. Various teas & coffee provided. Refreshments will be available to buy & you are welcome to bring your own. Places are limited, please book by email or call: Helen - helenfordhealing@yahoo.co.uk 07954 412973 Online booking is also available via this link - https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/4089342 More workshopa up soon - sorry got bust with the conference! 2017 The best workshops are the residential ones held in my farmhouse in Snowdonia. This is up a mountain surrounded by 70 acres of woodland and sheep grazing so the energy there (and the air!) is really pure. However I also do workshops in London and in Stourbridge and once a year in Greece. April 23 Sunday workshop London * Creating the life you Desire * at room A 102 in the Ackland building Regents college, Regents park 10 am to 4pm This workshop is about the way we use our inner resources to create our own reality. Ideally we will use our resources of truth, love, energy and attention to create a reality that aligns with the true desires of our own hearts. This reality will naturally be in harmony with Spirit's reality. The alternative is to use our energy and attention to create or reinforce other realities, some of which we may have inherited from our families or our culture and some of which we may have already created for ourselves in order to serve certain purposes such as survival in the presence of childhood trauma or to belong or to make connections with others. The only truly fulfilling reality is the one that is created by the flow of love through our own soul's truth. This reality will bring us all we desire. Creating it will give us true worth. In order to do this we need to know and love our own soul's truth and also feel safe to express it in the clear knowing that it is always supported by Spirit and by all other beings who are currrently being true to their own souls.We will make use of exercises that involve accessing the evidence from our own experiences of life in order to see what we need to do to bring about the reality that will truly fulfil us. You will need a notebook. You can get food at the cafe in the college or the one in the park or bring a packed lunch to eat outside. Cost £50 or £35 concessions. There are only 12 places so you do need to book. Please contact Sally on 07540278101 or sallyscan@hotmail.com If you would like to do this workshop but cannot make this date then please let Sally know and we can tell you when the next one will be. I am happy to keep doing it as long as there are people who want it! April 23 Sunday evening talk London * Truth, Love and Perceiving Auras * at room A 102 in the Ackland building Regents college, Regents park 7.30pm to 9.15 pm This talk will be about expanding your awareness of the information we are all constantly picking up via the aura. This information is picked up through our 6th senses of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience (feelings) and the capacity for distant viewing (seeing the future and stuff that is under the surface or going on elsewhere). We pick up a mass of information through our 6th senses all the time but most of it is processed at a subconscious level. This means that although the information we receive will influence our behaviour and the way we are feeling we may have no idea about the origin of these influences which can put us somewhat at their mercy at times! Being consciously aware of what you are picking up through your 6th senses can be massively helpful in enabling you to be true to yourself, discern truth in others and also discerning pure and impure intent. The talk will involve demonstrations of the aura and the effects of colours, body posture and of positive and negative energy and also opportunities for practical experience if that is what you would like. Cost £15 with £8 concession. Places limited to 30 Please contact Sally on 07540278101 or sallyscan@hotmail.com July 2 Accessing Your True Identity Cheltenham
July 8/9 *The Power of Inner Light to Neutralise Acquired Darkness * Wales £100 ***The spirit within each of us is always connected to the light of Creation. Sometimes we allow ourselves to be fully aligned with that light and let our spirits flow freely into expression. At these times we are bringing the pure love and harmony of Creation into the material world. At these times everything works perfectly, we feel wonderful and life seems completely magical. (The free flow of soul's truth is the magic!) Unfortunately this open connection with our inner being can quite easily be interfered with by our environment so we can become disconnected from our true nature and find ourselves acting out patterns of behaviour that we have learned or constructed in order to deal with the hazards of the material world. A slightly disconnected state will make us sad and relatively ineffective. (The connected state makes us joyous, powerful and fulfilled). A severely disconnected state leads to deep pain and aloneness. It is usually associated with underlying acquired beliefs like we are somehow 'wrong' or 'bad or 'worthless or even maybe harmful to others. These beliefs tend to express themselves in a variety of negative patterns that make up the syphylitic miasm (see article on my website). If there is anything you really do not like about what you believe to be your 'self' then that is not your true self. It is an acquired belief. Anything that is acquired from outside yourself can be removed from your sense of self. This workshop is about establishing a really clear and solid sense of your own inner truth and using this inner truth to move out negative acquired beliefs about the self and enable you to let go of associated negative patterns. No requirements except honesty! Cost £100 includes accomodation. Please bring some food that you like to share with others. July29/30 *** Introduction to Aura Diagnosis *** Wales £100 ****This workshop will be about picking up information from the human aura and studying the changes that take place during times of perfect alignment and times of stress. We will find out some of the triggers that tip us into a negative state and how to generate strategies that will neutralise these triggers and keep us aligned. You will have an opportunity to try out the aura diagnosis procedure that I use to find out the history of a current problem by tracing it back to its origins in the past. We will also study some self help procedures that can access and release acquired negative/ unwanted patterns. There are 70 acres of wild mountain with a river and waterfalls so if you fancy it you may as well take advantage of the opportunity to engage in some personal discharge of any blocked emotions that are currently inhibiting the free flow of your soul. (Discharging can be a very useful way of accessing blocked areas of truth but it can be difficult to find good spaces to do it in towns and cities! ) August 3-6 working at Green Gathering Chepstow racecourse. Doing a different healing workshop each day August 12 to 18 and 19 to 25 at Kalikalos Holistic Centre Greece workshop Living the Right Life of your Soul Please look up details at the Kalikalos website. The place is very beautiful and the daily swim in lovely clear Mediteranean sea water really helps with the cleansing as does the raw food diet which Paula runs concurrently with my workshop. September 2/3 How to Have a Good Day Every Day Wales £100 ****The general theme of this workshop is how to stay aligned with your own truth and flow it (It is the flow that creates the good days) However this is also one of my 'bring your own agenda' workshops where everyone lets me know which particular issues they want to deal with and I formulate a workshop to encompass those issues. September 8 to 12 Luxembourg I have been kindly invited to give a workshop on Healing for Spirits of the Dead in Luxembourg. I will be available for one to one sessions during this time and also I hope to give an evening talk about how we become separated from our soul's truth and how to get back into alignment. More details later Sept 16 /17 Aura Diagnosis Training Part 4 Wales £120 ****This is the last of the series of training sessions I use to teach the aura diagnosis. This part is about past lives and also about doing your own aura diagnosis. Only those who have completed parts 1,2 and 3 can come to this. |