
How to find and relieve the underlying
causes of disease by accessing the information contained within the human
Conventional Western medicine tends to treat illness as something that
just happens to people, something that is caused by external factors and
that has to be treated by external intervention. Whilst it is true that
there are external factors which contribute to illness, the evidence I
have accumulated during thirty years of work gathering information from
the human aura suggests that the most important primary cause of illness
is that the affected individual is no longer operating from a state of
alignment with their own true nature (soul/spirit/inner being).
In my experience all pain, unhappiness and physical illness has its underlying
cause in some kind of shift from alignment with inner truth. Anyone who
is perfectly aligned with his or her own soul's truth will be content,
relaxed, happy and fulfilled and their body will then be able to maintain
itself in a state of optimum health. It also follows that if someone who
is physically ill manages to realign themselves with their own inner being,
their body will then be free to recover from whatever illness has been
created by the state of separation from truth.
Although alignment is our natural state, there are many reasons why we
choose or feel compelled to take ourselves out of that state. Generally
speaking, the situations that initially shift us out of alignment with
our own truth involve the presence of others who are already out of alignment
with theirs. These situations include the need for self-defence against
radiated aggression or jealousy, the experience of pain and fear coming from those who are not aligned (especially if we love them),
a desire to belong, when belonging seems to mean fitting in with those
who are not aligned and the desire to maintain intimate connections when
those we most want to connect with are not consistently aligned. There
are many people who give more energy and attention to adjusting to those
around them than to looking inwards to find what feels completely right
for themselves. These people become the pressure that tends to shift others
out of alignment and then those who have shifted in turn become the pressure
on others! This is one of the ways negative patterns come to be handed
down from one generation to another By contrast, those who hold steady
to a personal commitment to allow their actions to flow directly from
their own sense of inner rightness will provide inspiration to help neutralise
the combined effect of those who are misaligned.
One of the most powerful dislocating influences on our behavior is any
situation of what I call aura shock. This happens when we are completely
knocked out of alignment by a totally unexpected reaction from our environment.
This includes situations during childhood in which we expressed our truth
openly and naturally in the happy expectation of love and appreciation
but received instead a strongly negative response, such as fear or jealous
hatred. These situations are remembered by the aura and defenses are automatically
constructed to protect against a recurrence of a similar shock. Defenses
against aura shock invariably involve a complete withdrawal of the aspect
of truth which was in full flow at the moment of shock as well as the
production of some form of behavior pattern which is designed to protect
against a recurrence of any similar shock.
In addition to these reactive reasons for withdrawing our truth, we are
also subject to the effects of the potential contamination of truth which
occurs whilst we are in the womb. During gestation we passively absorb
our mother's beliefs about herself and her beliefs about life and may
often retain these or even become dominated by them. Most deep feelings
of personal worthlessness and beliefs such as 'what I am is not wanted/
what I am has no place' have originally been absorbed from the mother.
In order to protect ourselves from incoming negativity, to find ways to
over-ride absorbed beliefs of personal worthlessness, to acquire some
sense of belonging and to establish close connections with others, we
develop an array of defensive behavior patterns which we bring out to
suit specific occasions. I call these 'performance personae'. Each persona
has its own specific trigger within the environment and as soon as this
trigger appears, the persona is reflexly produced out of the wardrobe of existing defensive patterns. You may have noticed
yourself sometimes behaving in a way you know you don't really want to
be behaving but feeling unable to stop yourself. This behavior pattern
will be a performance persona and it will have been automatically generated
by your aura as a result of some kind of perceived threat to your survival
and/or your truth.
Each time you react by producing one of these personae, the withdrawn
and unexpressed aspect of your truth generates an inner sadness. If this
happens often enough, the accumulated sadness can eventually lead to despair.
This in turn diminishes the power of the immune system to resist illness.
Also the performance personae themselves act as barriers, preventing truly
warm and intimate truth/truth connections with others, so they bring no
genuine fulfillment - only the satisfaction of having produced a convincing
performance/satisfactory defence. Frequent use of such personae can therefore
bring about feelings of inner aloneness which can also contribute to the
Sorting this all out can be complicated but, fortunately, the human aura
contains all the necessary information we need to understand and resolve
these issues and restore truth to full flow.
Aura diagnosis is a way to find out the nature of the misalignment, its
causes and its solutions. The solution is always in the person's core
truth. There is always a solution.
This is a brief description of the way aura diagnosis works for me:
The person I am working with tells me what they want help with.
I keep myself centered and hold the pure intent of allowing the person's
own aura to present me with the information that will be most useful to
them in the area in which they have asked for help. I then either focus on either
the part of the body which is unwell or the part which seems to be the
main area of negativity or confusion.
I have two main methods of working. In the first I simply place my hand over that part of the body and
then simply relax and wait. What then happens is that selected scenes/memories/
states of being from their life are passed from their aura into my awareness.I experience these scenes as if I were within the other person's memory
bank, reliving their memories, feeling through their feelings and seeing
through their eyes. I don't see material forms. I just perceive the energy
'.. thus I might perceive the energy of an angry adult male but I would
have no idea what that person physically looked like. It is as if all
the detailed material form has been taken away and all that is left is an awareness of
the underlying feelings and the flow of energy.
The scenes come up to the surface one at a time. I outline the first
scene to the person I am working with to make sure that this is the area
they wish to work with. Once I have described the first scene, I lift
my hand slightly from the person's body to indicate to their aura that
I am ready for the next scene, which then duly arrives. These scenes appear
in order starting from the most recent and then going back in time. There
may be only two or three or there may be many layers. I explain what I
am perceiving in each scene and add any comments I think might be useful
to explain the reasons for what is going on in these scenes. I keep going
until I get to something that feels really good, a place I can enjoy.
This will be the core truth of that part of their body. (Each part of
the body represents a certain aspect of our own nature e.g. the (familiar!)
heart representing love, solar plexus representing personal rightness
and self-respect, lungs representing joy in life, breasts representing
nurturing etc.). This area of core truth contains the energetic solution to the
person's current difficulty. The difficulty has only arisen because
that aspect of their truth was blocked. My experiences have repeatedly shown me that any difficulty can be resolved when the individual allows that blocked aspect of their inner truth to flow freely into their life - in particular to flow freely in the presence of energies resembling the original cause of the block.
This part of the procedure is simply a gathering of information from the
aura, just as the physician gathers signs, symptoms and test results from
the physical body. The next step is to diagnose the cause of the problem.
For this I use the facts presented by the aura and the knowledge I have
gained from experience to help me interpret and make sense of them.
I now know how to tell whether a particular negative pattern was imposed,
absorbed or chosen, whether it is a result of an aura shock, whether it
is being enhanced by the presence of a miasm, whether it is a self-constructed
or inherited defence and so on. I can find out when the pattern began and the ways
in which it has been subsequently modified. I can also find out what the
nature of the trigger is. I generally do this by turning my hand over so that the palm is facing
In situations where a more detailed analysis is required I get the person to write down their request on a piece of paper and then place this a few feet away from them. I then walk through the scenes that have lled up to the curent state of block, taking one scene at a time. The information arrives in the same way.
In this method each scene contains three elements. It contains the defence pattern the person is currently using that is now causing them harm, it contains information about the trigger, that is the external agent that is currently activating the defence pattern, and it also contains clear information about that individual's own soul solution i.e the aspect of their own soul's truth that has been blocked and now needs to come forward into free flowing expression in order to resolve their problem.
I do not really understand the way this works. I just know that it does! The other person's aura releases the information. It only releases information that is directly relevant to the question that was asked.It also only releases information that the person is willing and able to handle at that time. If I work with someone over a period of time we find that deeper and deeper issues feel safe to come up for resolution.
I think
the key to the aura releasing the information is the combined pure intents of both the client and myself to help to free the truth into clearer
flow. The aura is very protective and seems to know exactly what can and
cannot be safely brought forward in a particular session. It will not
release information that cannot be properly handled by either myself or
the person I am working with. I know this because I have worked with some
individuals over several years and I have noticed how the moment I have
sorted out a particular issue in myself, related areas of difficulty are
brought forward in the people I am working with, even though they were
never brought up when I was working with these same individuals before.
So another condition for doing this work effectively is to not be afraid
to face and sort through your own deepest issues. The deeper you go into
your own stuff and the more willing you are to face your own fears, the
easier it will be for you to help others acknowledge their stuff and deal
with their own fears.
The other thing that is really important is to have no judgement. If you
hold judgemental attitudes, the aura will not release the information.
The easiest way to let go of judgement is to understand the processes
whereby people come to set up negative patterns and the reasons why they
come to believe that it is either wrong or unsafe to be true to themselves.
Running untrue patterns through your aura is uncomfortable and stressful.
Only truth is truly relaxing. Only truth fills you with pleasure and confidence. Only truth generates
a flood of physical well-being when you clearly express it. There is no
real fulfillment from untruth and there is always sadness whenever truth
is displaced by any other pattern. So no-one would willingly choose untruth
over truth unless they felt a compelling need to do so. Most of these
compelling needs occurred during early childhood when sensitivity is intense,
when the existing moment is all important and when there is no sense of
the bigger picture of life outside the immediate environment. The child
just chooses whatever pattern seems to best meet the needs of its current
situation. If that choice seems to gain something for it, then it will
continue to maintain and elaborate on that pattern of survival and this
is how our wardrobes of personae come into being.
If you always bear in mind that all negative patterns began with what
seemed like a necessary untruth at the time, then you are not likely to
be much bothered by judgement. Aura diagnosis needs an impartial and open
approach. It is not about telling someone what you personally think is
right. It is simply about allowing their aura to tell you what is right
for them so that you can then help them to see and feel their own truth
for themselves. Everyone is different anyway so each person's truth that
you see is like coming across a previously unseen flower in a beautiful
landscape. You would miss out on the pleasure of these experiences if
you were to approach this work with a belief that your own right way of
being is bound to be the best way for others. Sometimes your right way
may be very close to theirs but in some cases imposing your own right
way could be rather like a giraffe telling a fish to stretch out a bit
and go for the tasty leaves at the top of a tree!
Aura diagnosis is not really difficult to do. Most children do it brilliantly.
This is the skill they use to diagnose how to manipulate their parents
into giving them what they want! It is the skill we use to find a way
to make a good connection with someone we have just met ' or to find the
weak areas through which we can hurt or control someone if we think we
have justification for wanting to do so. It is the awareness of atmosphere
in a place or a building, it is the 'gut feeling' that tells you whether
you can trust someone or not. It is the ability to sense whether someone
you love is happy or angry or distressed without even seeing them. In
all these situations, you are simply picking up information from their
aura via your own.
Someone who wants to do aura diagnosis professionally just needs to become
more consciously aware of the information they are picking up through
their own aura. They also need to know how to interpret what they find
and present it in a way that is useful and constructive to the other person.
These abilities come with practice. However, if you can allow yourself
to stay relaxed and open whilst you are doing it, the right way to proceed
will simply come to you 'the right words, the right speed, the right tone
of voice. The other person's aura will guide you and you will also have
all the spiritual assistance that you need, providing you stay with the
pure intent.
To give you some idea about the kind of things you can find out through
accessing the memory bank of the aura here is an interesting example which
clearly shows the way in which a disease process provides a physical manifestation
of an underlying energy dynamic:
A woman came for a consultation to help her understand the underlying
energy causing a developing cataract in her right eye. On opening to the
aura over her eye, my first impression was a vision of grey and hopeless
suffering in the world outside herself. I could feel that the sight of
this suffering went straight into her heart causing intense pain. This
pain felt chronic, deep and continuous and was accompanied by a feeling
of weariness of life and a draining of inner energy and will to continue.
Since the persistence of this sort of feeling eventually leads to a desire
to die, her aura would have considered it necessary to establish a defence
system. Her previous long term defence had been to totally block out all
awareness of other people's feelings (and of most of her own!) but she
had already worked on removing this block, which then left her open to
this penetration by other people's pain.
Under this layer of heart pain and world weariness was the block to seeing.
It looked like a dense white fibrous stringy patch overlying the centre
of the eye. This was the energetic representation of the cataract. The
energetic intention of this blind patch was to prevent her seeing the
pain in the world. Safe and cosy under the blind patch was a layer of
inner retreat from the world and a sense of taking comfort in being walled
in away from its influence. However, underneath this defensive wall was
another layer. This was a feeling of pure tender warmth and loving kindness
flowing naturally into a true desire to help others. This felt like a
fundamental aspect of her true nature.
The problem here was with her vision of life. Her own truth was fine.
However, instead of seeing the real inner truth of others, she was only
seeing what they superficially believed to be true. Because they believed
there was no solution to their pain, she had unquestioningly accepted
their belief and therefore perceived them as helpless. So, in her natural
desire to relieve their suffering, she had simply taken their pain straight
into her heart and wrapped it round with her own tenderness, just as a
mother would wrap her love and warmth around a small baby in distress.
A baby will eventually respond to this tender warmth and relax and recover.
If it is given all the warm support that it needs as a young child, it
will naturally grow up and gradually discover how to use its own inner
resources, thereby replacing any areas of helplessness with a knowing
of its own power to bring about whatever it desires. It will no longer
need the tender nurturing protective embrace of a mother's heart. Instead
the mother (and many others) will give it warm joyful appreciation, delight
in its self-expression and respect for what it has become. It will meet
others on an equal footing. It will meet life with the natural enthusiasm
of anyone who knows that they have the inner resources and the outer support
from creation to bring the inner perfection of its own soul into clear
material expression.
However, this woman was currently trying to offer this tender nurturing
heart's embrace to adults who were not actually powerless to relieve their
own suffering but only believed themselves to be so. Because they were
committed to this image of themselves and their own associated beliefs
about life, they were not going to respond to her loving tenderness by
relaxing and healing and growing into their own power as a baby would.
So she had ended up just carrying their pain endlessly within her heart.
The resulting accumulation of large quantities of other people's pain
had eventually arrived at such a degree of intensity that it was threatening
her own willingness to continue to survive. This is why she needed a defence
against it. And her chosen defence at this point of her life was to stop
seeing the pain - hence the cataract, symbolising the decision to close
off her inner vision from the awareness of other people's apparently helpless
The answer to this situation was in the deeper layers of her aura, in
accessing her own inner knowing that the way she could generate happiness
for herself was by trusting her own feelings of rightness and allowing
them to guide her actions. She already knew that she could sometimes be
really happy, enjoy life and have fun but she hadn't realised the connection
between those occasions and her own right choice of action. Nor had she
been aware of the way the right choice of action needed to come out of
a deep sense of inner knowing. She had simply assumed (like her parents)
that happiness just happened, that some days were just destined to be
good days, and that she had no power over when this occurred. Because
she had not realised that she was able to make choices which would determine
her own happiness, she didn't understand that others had the same potential
to make similar choices. So although she had read loads of books about
people having their own answers, she was still effectively seeing happiness as a random
occurrence that happened more to some than to others and was therefore
naturally feeling sorry for those to whom it didn't seem to happen much.
She therefore felt that it would be hurtful to those in difficulty to
just tell them they had the answers they needed inside themselves
Before she could approach other people's pain in a different way she needed
to know that everyone has internal access to everything they need to know
to make their own lives exactly as they want them to be.
To know that this was true for others she first needed to consciously
know that it was true of herself.
To help her get access to this inner knowing, I initially asked her to
go back through her own experiences and remember times when she had known
something was completely right for her and then followed through with
it and seen it all fall into place perfectly. She had no problem with
this. I then asked her to mentally communicate to those she saw as suffering
that they too had their own inner knowing of what was right for them and
that following that knowing would bring relief of their pain. She attempted
this twice but each time she developed a sharp pain in her eye. Obviously
it was too great a jump for her to go from 'I can do it' to 'You can do
it.' So what we did then was take it much more slowly. She started again
with her own inner knowing and memories of times when she had followed
it successfully to fulfillment I then asked her to flow loving warmth
towards herself for having trusted and been true to her own innermost
feelings of rightness and to really appreciate the contribution she had
made to the success of these occasions by having made that choice to listen
inward and to trust herself. Then I suggested she slowly expand that warmth
and appreciation of her own contribution until it completely surrounded
her and extended well beyond her radiated around her physical body. Then
I asked her to think of some other people she knew who also successfully
accessed and trusted their inner knowing. This expanded her buffer zone
until she felt really secure in her own certainty that she could always
choose to listen to this inner rightness, that it would always contain
the answers she needed and that others had access to this same kind of
inner knowing. She then proceeded to extend this warm certainty gradually
but steadily outwards towards those who were suffering, holding steadily to the knowing that everyone has direct access to what is right for them
and the free will to choose to act upon that rightness and thereby make
their own lives fulfilled and happy. This she eventually managed to do
without pain. This was what she needed to practice regularly in order
to neutralise the energetic pattern that was leading to the development
of her cataract.
Many people are afraid of illness. The words 'Cancer' and 'AIDS'. can
seem like a death sentence. But the fear of illness is probably more dangerous
than the illness itself as the more you fear something, the more energy
and attention you give to it and energy and attention provide much of
the power that makes things happen in the material world.
Many people do not realise how much power they have to create what happens
in their own lives. Your power lies in the flow of your energy and attention.
Your greatest power lies in applying that energy and attention to the
clear flow of your own truth into your own life. This will generate pure
love and thereby bring you into complete harmony with the universe. The
flow of its creative power will then surround and support you.
Fear is a consequence of a feeling of helplessness. If you know you are
capable of dealing with a particular situation you will not fear it. I
felt fear even trying to stand up on a pair of skis when there was a small
(but icy!) downslope in front of me. My young children whizzed down that
and much steeper slopes with pure joy and exhilaration. The downslope
was not in itself frightening. It was only causing me fear because I did not currently not have the physical ability to deal with it.
Many of us are simply brought up with the beliefs that life just happens
to us and there is nothing much we can do about many situations, however
much we dislike them. However, once you come to realise that you always
have access to the inner resource of your own certain knowing of what
is right for you and that it will always be safe and fine to follow through
that knowing with right action, you will not be afraid of potentially
difficult life situations as you will know that you have access to the
resources to deal with them. Once you understand that illness is a direct
result of separation from your own truth and realise that you can always
make the choice to shift back into alignment with what is truly right
for you and thereby facilitate your own body's natural and ongoing healing
process, then you will not need to fear any disease.
I remember a beautiful young woman telling me that I was the first person
to ever say to her that she did not have to die of the AIDS she had
contracted as a result of childhood abuse. She believed me. This at least
ten years ago. She is currently completely well and symptom free. However,
she does avoid going to see doctors, as she is sensitive to their fears
for her and is aware that this can undermine her own trust in herself.
The difficulty with being a conventionally trained doctor is that everything
is presented and analysed in purely material terms and the spiritual aspect
of life is often ignored. I have taken part in hospital ward rounds during
which all the medical staff stood solemnly at the end of a patient's bed
emanating an almost palpable certainty that this person was going to die.
Their reason for this certainty was that most other people with this illness
at this particular stage of its development did die. I have since understood
that the reason people die before their right time is that they do nothing
to change the underlying patterns that led to their illness in the first
place. The illness will therefore follow the same course as it has followed
in everyone else who has not done anything to change similar patterns.
The course of the illness then becomes theoretically and statistically
The more people simply accept the existing statistics, the more power
that statistical pressure has and the more likely it becomes that others
will also succumb to it. Nevertheless, one person can stand against any
amount of statistics by simply looking inwards and deciding what feels
right for themselves and choosing to act upon it.
I remember when I was a medical student once asking an oncologist if anyone
ever recovered from cancer by themselves. The oncologist related one instance
of an Italian with a bowel cancer who had come to this London teaching
hospital for the best possible treatment. His tumour could not be completely
removed and he was told he had a year to live. He went home and then went
on a voyage round the world - something he had always wanted to do. He
came back a year later and his tumour was completely gone.
There is a rapidly accumulating body of evidence now about cancers and
other illnesses that have completely disappeared when the affected individuals
have changed direction and started doing whatever it was they really truly
wanted to do. One of the first people to collect this evidence was an
American psychologist, Laurence Le Shan. There is no shortage of such
information now. People like Depak Chopra and Louise Hay come immediately
to my mind. If you have any personal experiences of complete cure of a
supposedly/statistically incurable illness or know of any good writing
on this subject and want to send me the information I will put it into
a reading list at the end of this article.
There is no need to accept the conventional medical model wholesale. History
shows us how often medical models have changed and there is no reason
to assume that they will not change again.
Unfortunately our Western society has a strong tendency to encourage the
general acceptance of the prevailing authorities rather than supporting
people in their inner search for personal rightness. This tendency to
passive acceptance of existing models is made worse by an education system
that gives very little encouragement to inner knowing and places excessive
emphasis on acquisition of information from outside the self. It is also
influenced by religious doctrines which claim that only its priests have
direct access to the creator and only those who follow a particular set
of rules are going to gain entry to whatever concept of heaven is favored
by that particular religion. So, if we want to be well, we need to be
on guard against any general atmosphere of deference to those in authority
which gives the chosen (or self-presented ) authority the power to make
decisions which affect those other than themselves.
If you give up your rightful authority over your own life and place it
in the hands of others, you will have to accept the choices they make.
If you have elected a prime minister and thereby given him the authority
to make decisions for the country and he then chooses to go to war because
of his own personal paranoia and his own religious convictions, you will
have to endure the consequences of his choices. If you place your health
in the hands of another person, you make that person responsible for deciding
what is best for you. No-one can really know what is truly right for you
unless you find it out for yourself and tell them! So if you put them
in the position of making your decisions for you and they accept that
responsibility, all they can do to fulfil it is to take into account everything
they already know and give you an answer based on that information. So
they will communicate what they think and what they think will be based
on statistics and the weight of those statistics will then become a pressure
on both of you, influencing you to conform to whatever those statistics
predict is going to happen to you.
I personally don't go along with the current tendency to blame doctors/hospitals
for so many of the things that go physically wrong. We all have instinctive
(gut) feelings about what is right for us and about what might go wrong
and if we choose to ignore these feelings or allow them to be overridden
by someone to whom we give authority over us it is hardly fair to put
all the responsibility for what goes wrong onto the authority we have
ourselves chosen!
My last pregnancy was a potentially/statistically high risk. It was my
fifth child, I was 43 and I had decided to have the baby in a portable
water birthing tub in my remote farmhouse in North Wales which had no
telephone and was an hour's drive from the nearest hospital. As if these
potential hazards were not enough, I had also decided that I wanted to
have this birth amongst my friends with no medical attendance! Although
I really deeply wanted to do this, I was nevertheless beset by quite a
lot of fear. This was largely my own inherited fear, with which I was
familiar from other pregnancies but it was added to by my logical (statistically
assisted!) assessment of the risks involved. However I managed to sit
down one day and get myself into a completely centered space for about
half an hour and during this time I thought about the birth and I knew
in the depths of myself that it would be fine and that it could be the
really good experience I had always wanted during childbirth. So, although
the old fears constantly nibbled away at the edges of my awareness - and
sometimes flooded over me, I held onto the certainty I had accessed during
that short period of complete centeredness and proceeded accordingly.
I did have the birth in my farmhouse. It was absolutely wonderful, even
better than I had ever imagined it could be and absolutely nothing went
It's no good putting all the power over your illness in someone else's
hands. If your inner patterns are driving you towards death, all a doctor
can do is slow down the physical process and even then, with the very
best treatment, some people are just going to die because they have had
enough of being here and simply don't want to co-operate with the process
of staving off the time of their death. To recover from a potentially
terminal illness, people need to want to live and to want to live they
need to know that their lives can be happy and fulfilled. If they don't
believe that they have the resources to make their own lives happy and
fulfilled they will only stay until they are no longer able to endure
the pain of their own unhappiness and separation. Then they will instruct
their body to provide for the release of their soul.
If you want to go on living, you need a good reason to stay. Hope that
things can eventually be good can be quite a satisfactory reason but if
you come to a point where there is no sign of impending change and you
already have a long past history of accumulated pain, hope can seem simply
delusional. You need to know that you have power to make your own life
the way you want it to be. This is a good reason to continue within it.
I remember once seeing a man with cancer who was brought to me by his
wife. I asked him what his reasons were for wanting to live. He just said
that it would be better for his wife, as their pension would be much diminished
if he died. This is not enough of a reason to overcome a life threatening
illness. The fulfillment of your potential for happiness and joy in being
alive is a good reason, a willingness to master your difficulties and acquire wisdom
through so doing is a good reason, a wish to share what you know to be true is
a good reason, a true heart's desire to be a manifestation of the presence of love is a very
good reason. To simply start out on the process of learning how to do
all these things is also a good reason' (even if its only to save yourself
the effort of going through the same steps all over again in your next
It is not possible to make your own life completely fulfilling by listening
to others. You need to listen inwards to yourself. As there is little
training or overt support for this in our society, those who do listen
inwards will have simply decided to make this choice for themselves. They
may have made this decision because they innately knew it was right or,
more commonly, because they could no longer bear the painful and frustrating
consequences of listening to the directives of others. Fortunately there
are enough of these people around to provide everyone who wants it with
plenty of inspiration.
So if you have any physical illness, just bear in mind the understanding
that you yourself are ultimately responsible for its presence and for
whether or not you allow it to heal. There are plenty of people with the
skills to help you to understand why this illness is there and what aspects
of your own truth need to be brought forward to facilitate the natural
healing processes. Spend some time thinking of how you would really like
to be and how you would really like your life to be and know that you
can bring about all this by attentive inner listening and by trusting
your own feelings of inner knowing to direct you into the actions that
are truly right for you.
Helen Ford February 2007
If anyone wants a one to one personal aura diagnosis session then contact me on 01384 379740. The cost is £60 per hour and an initial session generally lasts for between one and a half and two hours so you are looking at a fee of £90 to £120. One session is often enough but if you need more they don't usually take so long once I am familiar with your issues. l
If anyone feels like learning to do aura diagnosis the way I do it, I
will periodically be running courses to teach it. Check the 'workshops'
section on this web site. The course consists of four weekends arranged to mutual convenience, each weekend costs £120 which includes accomiodation and you bring food to share.